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My idea for the first program offered is based on the The American Black Bear

In this program students will learn about the Black Bear, its habits and habitat and what is happening to their habitats because of global warming and urban sprawl.  Depending on the age group different issues and actions can be discussed.


Each student would receive a ceramic representation of the bear to paint, smaller for elementary school children and larger for high school.


For example; in the programs for high school, after learning about the bear in the science segment we would discuss the environmental art movement of the sixties and the artist as activist.  Students would be encouraged to use their bear as a billboard to express the need to make a change to help the environment.


The best of these bears will be reproduced life-size to be a part of a public art project, with bears being placed throughout the region in prominent public places.


All programs will be based on an animal found in California.  Lesson plans will feature information about the animals and their habitats.  The affects of our ever expanding development and global warming will be explored as well as what we as individuals can do to help, all through exploration of the arts.

The hope is that everyone will benefit both artist/teacher and student.  Check back soon, more to come.


Califauna was formed with the hopes of bringing together a community of concerned artists if you are interested in being involved and developing your own program to offer, please let us know.  

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